Semester @ SFSU Application Procedure, Dates and Cost

Step 1 - Submit the Nomination Form

Study Abroad or International Office at home institution should nominate your students by using the International Partner University Nomination Form. Once the nomination form is received, reviewed and approved, we will email the application directly to students and copy the home institution.


Step 2 - Complete the Application

Once you have been nominated and approved, we will send you a link to the application.

In the application, you will be asked to choose the program category you are applying for. There are 3 options:

  1. Semester @ SFSU (undergraduate level): Open to students with or without a bachelor’s degree. Students will take undergraduate level courses. Must enroll in at least 12 units. 
  2. Semester @ (post-baccalaureate / graduate level): Students must have earned a Bachelor’s degree before starting their program at SFSU and will be subject to Graduate Study Eligibility Requirements for admission. Students will take graduate level courses. Please review courses in the SFSU Bulletin and determine if you will have the required academic prerequisites, if any, for your intended courses at SFSU. Graduate level courses are numbered 700 and above. 
  3. Semester@ (post-baccalaureate Business): Students must have earned a Bachelor’s degree before starting their program at SFSU and will be subject to Graduate Study Eligibility Requirements for admission, and a fee of $800 per unit. Students will take only Business graduate level courses. Business courses are those offered by the Lam Family College of Business and includes Accounting, Decision Sciences, Economics, Finance, General Business, Information Systems, International Business, Management, and Marketing. Please review courses in the SFSU Bulletin and determine if you will have the required academic prerequisites, if any, for your intended courses at SFSU. Graduate level courses are numbered 700 and above.


Step 3 - Submit Required Supporting Documents 

a) Financial Certification

Students must show proof of funds for education and living expenses for the duration of their studies at SF State. See Financial Affidavit for minimum required amount and additional information.

b) Passport Information

Please submit a copy of the biographic page that shows your full legal name and date of birth.

c) Academic Transcripts

Submit a copy of university transcripts with overall grade point average (GPA). If you have never attended a university, submit a copy of high school/upper secondary school transcripts. If transcript is not in English, submit a copy in the original language and a certified English translation. Transcripts will be used to assist in advising and course placement for undergraduate applicants. Students applying to take graduate courses must demonstrate a GPA of 3.0 or higher.

d) English Proficiency Score

Submit English proficiency documentation. Accepted documentation includes:

Test Scores

  • TOEFL iBT 61 for undergraduate study. iBT 80 for graduate study
  • IELTS 6.0 for undergraduate study. IELTS 6.5 for graduate study.
  • Other. See English Proficiency Requirement

Faculty/Staff Recommendation Letter

Waiver/Exemption Request

e) Visual/Audio Image Release Form

f) Student Consent for Release of Information

With this form you give SFSU permission to communicate with your home university regarding your studies at SFSU.


Step 4 - Complete the Preliminary Course Wish List

Complete the preliminary course wish list form with 8 classes you are interested in taking during your desired SFSU semester. Please list the classes in preference order. Review and make sure your meet pre-requisites, if any, for any course that you are interested in. A complete list of SFSU classes can be found in the SFSU Bulletin

Please note, not all classes will be offered every term. Class schedules for fall will be available in April. Class schedules for spring will be available in November. See the SFSU Class Schedule.

The course number determines the level of the class.

  • Level 100 - 299 = lower division (1st year and 2nd year courses)
  • Level 300 - 699 = upper division (3rd year and 4th year courses)
  • Level 700 and above = graduate courses

You are encouraged to complete a preliminary wish list using the course information in the bulletin or the class schedule, but this is not required for admission. You will be contacted after admission with instructions on how to submit your course preferences.

Dates are from start of classes to the end of exam period. Orientation is held the week before classes start. 

Fall 2025: August 25, 2025 – December 19, 2025 
Spring 2026: January 26, 2026 – May 22, 2026

Semester @ SFSU - Dates, Fees and Cost of Living

Dates and Cost
- Fall 2025 Semester Spring 2026 Semester
Application Deadline April 15 October 15
Program Dates Late August - Late December Late January - Late May
Tuition Fee* $6,720 (12 unit undergraduate / graduate non-business)
$7,200 (9-unit graduate business)
$395/unit (online)
$7,020 (12 unit undergraduate / graduate non-business)
$7,749 (9 unit graduate business)
$395/unit (online)
Estimated Cost of Living $12, 250
None for online courses
$12, 250
None for online courses
Total** $18,970 (campus option)
$19,450 (graduate business)
$395 per unit (online)
$19,270 (campus option)
$19,999 (graduate business)
$395 per unit (online)

*Students from partner universities may qualify for a tuition discount depending on the terms and condition of the individual agreement.
**Estimated total. Fees subject to change. Cost of living may vary. Textbooks not included in the tuition fee.

See Academic Tuition and Fees for breakdown.

The registration policy applies to tuition and mandatory/miscellaneous fees. Optional fees are non-refundable.

Tuition, mandatory/miscellaneous, and optional fees will be finalized and posted after the ‘last day to drop with full refund’ as listed in Important Dates. Full payment of tuition and fees must be received within the day all fees are posted and census date as listed in the Academic Calendar.

In the case of third party payment, the party responsible for payments should send an Authorization to Bill letter to SFSU will send invoices to the third party after census date. All tuition and fees will appear on the student center until payment is processed/received.

For class or program withdrawal, contact the Center for Global Engagement at

Undergraduate Study:

  • Graduated from high school or at least 18 years of age by start of the program
  • Copy of transcripts in English to assist with advising and course placement
  • TOEFL iBT 61, IELTS 6.0 or the equivalent
    See English Proficiency Requirement

Graduate Study:

  • Earned a baccalaureate degree
  • 3.0 GPA in their earned undergraduate degree or in the last 60 semester (90 quarter) units completed
  • Copy of transcripts in English to assist with advising and course placement
  • TOEFL iBT 80, IELTS 6.5 or the equivalent
    See English Proficiency Requirement

For campus option only

Semester @ SFSU students on J-1 visa are required to purchase the CSU/SFSU pre-approved health insurance from United Healthcare.

Estimated Health Insurance Rates

Fall 2024: $912 - $1,011
Spring 2025: $997


For campus option only

Although enrollment in the SFSU College of Professional & Global Education is not considered admission to SFSU, a DS-2019 for J-1 student status will be issued when students are accepted into a full-time program in the College of Professional & Global Education and require a visa to enter the country. Students entering the US using a J-1 visa must maintain full-time student status during the time they are enrolled in an approved program.

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