2019 Graduate
PA, Western University of Health Sciences
What is one of the most important things you have learned from your classmates?
Teamwork; bouncing ideas off of each other to learn new material has definitely helped me a lot…
What advice would you give to incoming students?
Record lectures! In undergrad I always had to figure out different ways to study for every class. I noticed many Post-Bac students did this when I first started the program so I decided to try it out and it has helped me get the highest grades I’ve ever gotten.
What resources have you used to help you reach your goals?
I have definitely utilized office hours when I’m confused on certain material, something that I never did in undergrad but have greatly benefited from in this program.
What is something you have learned as an SF State Post-Bac that is important to you?
Although studying is definitely my priority I always make room to spend time with my parents whenever I can because it helps me calm down when I’m stressing out studying for exams. Sometimes even going on hikes on the weekends or doing some yoga definitely helps me feel refreshed and less stressed. So having a balance of school life and personal life has been very important for me to be able to stay stress free during exams and finals.
Tell us about a local extra-curricular experience you are/were involved in that had an impact on you.
I’m currently volunteering as a Health Advocate in the prenatal department at Zuckerberg [San Francisco] General Hospital. Being able to connect patients with various different resources they need is such an amazing and rewarding experience. Having the exposure of seeing how clinics work has also reinforced my love for medicine.