Pre-Health Post-Bac Faculty Spotlight: Lisa Tieber Nielson

Lisa Tieber-Nielsen, Pre-Health Post-Bac Faculty

Lisa Tieber Nielson (she/her/hers)

D.V.M., M.S.

Faculty Lecturer

Lisa Tieber Nielson earned her doctorate degree from Iowa State University in Veterinary Medicine. She participated in a three-year residency program in Neurology and Neurosurgery at Auburn University. In this program she participated in research related to pituitary macrotumors and GM-1 gangliosidosis, receiving a M.S. degree in Biomedical Science and achieving board certification in Neurology and Neurosurgery.  

Prior to veterinary school, Professor Tieber Nielson earned an M.S. degree in Psychology from Western Washington University. She was introduced to teaching as a graduate student in Psychology and has had a passion for teaching ever since. She has taught Anatomy and Physiology courses at local community colleges. Since 2017, she has taught a variety of courses such as Cellular Neuroscience, Neural Systems Physiology, Physiology, Pathophysiology and Endocrinology in the Post-Bac Program.   

Professor Tieber Nielson strives to improve her skills as an instructor by participating in professional development programs that bring teamwork and collaboration, equity and active learning to the classroom. She incorporates a clinical perspective to coursework encouraging development of critical thinking skills helping to prepare students for healthcare fields. Prof. Tieber Nielson loves working with the post-bac students who with their unique backgrounds, skills and expertise, keep her striving to learn more about the topics she teaches and to improve as an instructor.   

Professor Tieber Nielson enjoys spending time outdoors. Running, skiing, hiking and camping are her favorite activities. She is also actively involved in scouting. 

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