Students may take time off from their academic program. However, they must follow the instruction below and obtain approval from CGE before stop attending classes. Since students are required to maintain full-time study while in the U.S., they must leave the U.S. while taking a temporary leave or withdrawing from SFSU.
General Information
- Email to let us know that you need time off.
- Students will receive a confirmation email from CGE within five business days.
- CGE will drop you from your classes.
- Students must leave the U.S. within 15 days after submitting their time off request. Their SEVIS record will be terminated and their current I-20s will not be valid for entry in the future.
- Students who are taking off two consecutive semesters must re-apply for admission.
F-1 students who plan to take one semester off AND will be physically out of the U.S. for more than five months must request new I-20s from CGE in order to return to the U.S.
Step 1: Request a temporary leave
- Email to let us know that you need time off.
- Students will receive a confirmation email from CGE within five business days.
- CGE will drop you from your classes.
- Students must leave the U.S. within 15 days after submitting their request for time off. Their SEVIS record will be terminated and their current I-20s will not be valid for entry in the future.
Step 2: Receive a new initial attendance I-20
We will provide you with a new initial I-20. Be sure to save your old I-20s for your records.
Step 3: Choose classes
- Submit course request form by deadline
Step 4: Notify CGE upon arrival into the U.S.
- Students must notify CGE within 30 days of their arrival into the U.S.
- CGE will collect require documentation from students for SEVIS reporting
Students won’t be eligible to apply for any off-campus employment such as OPT or CPT for one academic year upon their return.
F-1 students who meet the following conditions may request their terminated I-20 to be reactivated:
- Student will be physically out of the U.S. for less than five months
- The gap between the last day of attendance and first day of next semester is less than five months
If students meet both of the above conditions, they must inform CGE to reactivate their SEVIS record before return to the U.S. Your visa must be valid to return.
Step 1: Request a temporary leave:
- Email to let us know that you need time off.
- Students will receive a confirmation email from CGE within five business days.
- CGE will drop you from classes.
- Students must leave the U.S. within 15 days after submitting their request for time off. Their SEVIS record will be terminated and their current I-20s will not be valid for entry in the future.
Step 2: Choose classes
- Submit course request form by deadline
Step 3: Request SEVIS record to be set back to "Active" status
- Inform CGE of their return date at least 60 days before the “First Day of Instruction” indicated on the University Academic Calendar.
- Upload a signed EAP Financial Affidavit Form or Certificate Financial Affidavit Form and a bank letter verifying students or their sponsor have sufficient funds to support their study in the U.S. for at least one academic year to the Box folder. They can find the minimum amount of funds that they are required to show on the Financial Affidavit. We accept digital signatures, scanned copies, and high resolution/clear pictures of the completed form. Include their full name and SFSU student ID in their email to CGE.
- CGE sends a request to U.S. Immigration to reactivate their SEVIS record. It might take approximately three weeks for the request to be approved.
- Students will be notified by CGE as soon as their SEVIS record is in Active status. They will be able to return to the U.S. with their I-20
*If students enter the U.S. on a different visa (ex. Tourist visa) during their temporary leave, their SEVIS record can’t be reactivated and they will have to follow the procedure for temporary leave for more than 5 months.
Step 4: Notify CGE upon arrival into the U.S.
Students must email when they return to the U.S. If they fail to inform CGE their return in a timely manner, their I-20 will be canceled and they will be considered out of status.
- Students can take fully online courses full-time or part-time outside the U.S. but they will not be in F-1 status (Enrollment will count towards their certificate progress).
- Email to let us know that you will take classes online.
Step 1: Withdraw from classes
Students will be withdrawn from all the classes AFTER they meet with an F-1 international student advisor and obtain approval for a request for time off.
Step 2: Tuition refund (if eligible)
Complete the Refund Request for Tuition and Fees form. Submit this form to the Bursar’s counter at One Stop, Student Service Building or first floor of the Administration Building. Only request refund AFTER students withdraw from all the classes.
Step 3: Cancel health insurance
Student may only request refund AFTER they withdraw from all the classes and physically outside the U.S. No insurance refund will be given after drop/add deadline.
Please email for assistance with cancelling health insurance.