I-20 Extension - Center for Global Engagement

F-1 International students who are not able to finish their program by the completion date on the I-20 can request an I-20 extension. The length of time allowed for extension is based on the recommendation of students' academic adviser. The extension can be approved up to one year.


Students may apply for an extension of program if:

  • Students have been making normal academic progress
  • Student have continuously maintained full-time study and F-1 status
  • The delay in completing program requirements has been caused by compelling academic reasons or compelling and documented medical reasons

Delays in completing program requirements caused by academic probation or suspension are not acceptable reasons for extension of a program.

We recommend students to submit their request to CGE at least six weeks before the program end date on the I-20.

To request an I-20 extension, email globaled@sfsu.edu from the students' SF State email account. Include their full name and SF State student ID in their email to CGE. Upload the following documents to the Box folder.

An F-1 international student advisor will review their request and issue an updated I-20 within 5 business days. Students must clear any tuition due in order to receive I-20s.

  • Proof of Finances
    • Students and/or their sponsor(s) must prove that they have the financial ability to pay for school costs plus living expenses for one academic year. See the Financial Affidavit for the minimum amount of funds they are required to have.
    • Photocopies are acceptable.
    • Acceptable types of proof: balance verification issued by the bank or Financial Guarantee/award letters issued by the scholarship organization.
    • The proof must be issued within the past six months.

Additional Support (For students who have filed I-20 extension previously): If students have been granted an I-20 extension previously, in addition to the documentation above, they must meet with a CGE advisor.

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